PLz help me!These questions are on my study guide for tommorrow's test and I don't get them.Please help me solve them because I don't have a lot of time because I have to go to Chruch in 20 minutes.PLease help!Thanks!

1.Six pears and three apples cost $3.90. Two pears and five apples cost $3.30. How much does one pear cost?

Hint: You have two unknowns (variables), so you need two equations. Write one equation for each situation and solve the system of equations.

2.Two cars leave town going opposite directions. One car is traveling 55 mph, and the other is traveling 65 mph How long will it take before they are 180 miles apart?

Hint: The time for both cars is the same and can be represented by "t." The total distance is 180 miles. The distance = (rate)(time). If you add the (rate)(time) of the first vehicle to the (rate)(time) of the second vehicle, that will equal the total distance of 180 miles. Since you only have one unknown (t), you only need one equation.

3.Two cars leave town going in the same direction. One travels 55 mph and the other travels 65 mph How long will it take before they are 180 miles apart?

4.A kayaker paddled 2 hours with a 6 mph current in a river. The return trip against the same current took 3 hours. Find the speed the kayaker would make in still water.

5.Your piggy bank has 25 coins in it; some are quarters and some are nickels. You have $3.45. How many quarters and nickels do you have?

6.There were 1500 people at a high school football game. Student tickets were $2.00 and adult tickets were $3.50. The total receipts for the game were $3825. How many adult and student tickets were sold?

7.An airplane flew 4 hours with a 25 mph tail wind. The return trip against the same wind took 5 hours. Find the speed of the airplane in still air.

*I know it is a lot of them but the study guide came with 105 questions.Please help me as much as you can.Progress reports come out for me next week so I need to do good.Thanks for your help*g

1) 6P+3A=3.90 and 2P+5A=3.30.
get P all by itself. P=(3.90 - 3A)/6
substitute this P into the second equation and solve.

2) The cars are growing apart from each other at 135 MPH. How long till they are 180 miles apart.

3) The cars are growing apart from each other at 10 MPH. How long...

4) (R + 6) = D/2 and (R - 6) = D/3
divide the first term by 1.5 so:
(R+6)/1.5) = D/3 = (R-6). Solve for R

5) (25-N)*(.25) + N*(.05) = 3.45
Solve for N (nickles)

6) (1500-A)*2.00 + A*3.50 = 3825. Solve for A (adults)

7) See methodology in 4

a cookie jar contains $7.20 in nickles and quarters. the number of quarters is two less than twice the number of nickles. how many of each are there?

thats hard


To solve this problem, you'll need to set up a system of equations. Let's define the variables:

Let's call the number of nickels "N" and the number of quarters "Q".

According to the given information, the number of quarters is two less than twice the number of nickels. So, the first equation is:

Q = 2N - 2

The total value of the coins in the jar is $7.20. The value of each nickel is $0.05, and the value of each quarter is $0.25. So, the second equation is:

0.05N + 0.25Q = 7.20

Now, we have a system of equations:

Q = 2N - 2
0.05N + 0.25Q = 7.20

To solve this system of equations, you have a few options. One method is substitution:

1. Solve the first equation for Q: Q = 2N - 2
2. Substitute this expression for Q in the second equation: 0.05N + 0.25(2N - 2) = 7.20
3. Simplify and solve for N.

Alternatively, you can use elimination or graphing methods to solve the system. Choose the method that you find most comfortable.

Once you've found the value of N (the number of nickels), you can substitute it back into either equation to find the value of Q (the number of quarters).