what % of 960 is 172.80?

960*x = 172.80. Solve for x, then multiply the decimal obtained by 100 if you want it expressed as percent.

To calculate what percentage 172.80 is of 960, we will use the following formula:

Percentage = (Value / Total) * 100

In this case, the value is 172.80 and the total is 960. Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

Percentage = (172.80 / 960) * 100

To solve for x, we divide 172.80 by 960 and then multiply the result by 100:

x = (172.80 / 960) * 100

To find the answer, let's do the math:

x ≈ (0.18) * 100
x ≈ 18

Therefore, approximately 18% of 960 is 172.80.