please help!! what is 6 times the sum of 13 and a number?

6(13+ N)

To solve the expression "6 times the sum of 13 and a number," you can follow these steps:

1. Begin with the sum of 13 and a number, N: 13 + N.
2. Multiply the sum by 6: 6(13 + N).

To simplify further, you can use the distributive property:

6(13 + N) = 6 * 13 + 6 * N.

Multiply the numbers:

6 * 13 = 78,
6 * N = 6N.

Combine the terms:

6(13 + N) = 78 + 6N.

So, "6 times the sum of 13 and a number" can be simplified as 78 + 6N.