I need to figure this puzzel out for example SYMPON the answer is unfinished symphony because it is the word symphony without the y but the one that I am stumped on is this

JOB IN JOB (capital letters aren't speacil)Can you help

in between jobs

idk not enough info doesn't make sence

To solve the puzzle "JOB IN JOB," we need to find a word that can be formed by removing some letters from the word "JOB" and still be a valid English word.

One way to approach this is by considering each letter in "JOB" and checking if it forms a valid word when removed. Let's break it down:

1. J: Removing the letter "J" from "JOB" leaves "OB." However, "OB" is not a valid English word, so it is not the answer.
2. O: Removing the letter "O" from "JOB" leaves "JB." Again, "JB" is not a valid English word.
3. B: Removing the letter "B" from "JOB" leaves "JO." In this case, "JO" is a valid English word, which means we have found our answer.

Therefore, the solution to the puzzle "JOB IN JOB" is the word "JO."