One source of bias,which may explain race related IQ differences,is the fact that most IQ tests rely heavily on the



I AM THINKING BETWEEN C or D, what do you think?

I am thinking that ones total life experience has a great effect on IQ testing results.

GuruBlue is right in that total life experience has a great effect on IQ results. To be more specific, IQ tests rely greatly on vocabulary. However, race — and socioeconomic differences related to race — lead to differences in vocabulary levels.

Here is an article with additional information:

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Vocabulary level

Between the options of C and D, the correct answer is C - Vocabulary Level. Most IQ tests rely heavily on an individual's vocabulary level.

To arrive at this answer, we can consider that vocabulary is a fundamental component of intelligence and cognitive ability. IQ tests measure intellectual ability, and vocabulary knowledge is an important indicator of a person's verbal intelligence.

As for option D - Interpersonal (Social Intelligence), while social intelligence is important in many aspects of life, it is not a primary factor in most IQ tests. IQ tests tend to focus more on cognitive abilities such as abstract reasoning, problem-solving, and verbal comprehension.

Option A - Math Skills and option B - Ability to Pay Attention are also relevant factors in some IQ tests, but they are not as critical as vocabulary skills in determining overall intelligence.

It is worth noting that there is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding race-related IQ differences, and it is essential to approach this topic with caution and sensitivity. Factors such as socio-economic background, access to education, cultural differences, and other environmental influences can significantly impact IQ scores.