Hi everyone,

Can someone with a knowledge of philosophy please help me define these terms?

Speculative Philosophy
First Order Discipline
Second Order Discipline


Sites on Speculative Philosophy"




Sites on First Order/Second Order Discipline


Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words " Speculative Philosophy" to get these possible sources:


Under "philosophy first order discipline" (I use "philosophy" as a key word, because the remaining key words could be found in other contexts rather than just philosophy.), I found:

(Broken Link Removed)
(Broken Link Removed)
(Broken Link Removed)

These latter sites should also deal with second-order discipline as vs. first-order discipline. Use your <Find> command within the site to search for key words.

To find your answers more quickly for future definitions, you can do the searches yourself using the appropriate key words.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Speculative Philosophy is a branch of philosophy that deals with questions related to existence, reality, and knowledge. It is concerned with exploring concepts and ideas that go beyond empirical observation and scientific methods. Speculative philosophers often engage in abstract thinking and hypothetical reasoning to speculate about the nature of reality and the limits of human understanding.

A First Order Discipline in philosophy refers to a specific branch or field within philosophy that focuses on studying and analyzing particular concepts or areas of knowledge. For example, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, and logic are considered first order disciplines within philosophy. Each first order discipline has its own unique set of questions, methods, and theories that it explores.

On the other hand, a Second Order Discipline in philosophy refers to a higher level of inquiry that examines the nature, methods, and assumptions of the first order disciplines themselves. Second order disciplines are often concerned with questions related to the foundations, methodologies, and limits of philosophical inquiry. Philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of language are examples of second order disciplines.

To further explore and understand these terms, you can refer to the websites mentioned above. They provide in-depth explanations and resources from reputable sources that discuss speculative philosophy, first order disciplines, and second order disciplines. Additionally, you can conduct your own searches using relevant keywords to find more specific information on these topics.