The color of a bright red apple is/an:

1.intense,physical stimulation of light
2.transduction of the intensity of light
3.psychological property of sensual
experience and exists only in the
4.physical property present in the apple itself

I am thinking the correct answer is number 2. WHAT DO YOU THINK?


I think 4 sounds much closer to where the color comes from.

are you sure the correct answer is number 4?

I have never taken psychology but i think it is number three. I don't really know for sure though

The apple appears red, because it absorbs other wavelengths of visible light and reflects the red wavelengths. That would be 4.

However, it is hard to tell if the question is more concerned with the "bright" or the "red" quality of the apple. Brightness would involve the physical intensity and its transduction via the cones in the eyes (1 and 2).

To define the quality of the apple image as "bright red" requires a learned response, which can be considered psychological. Perception is the interpretation of sensed energy changes, so I would choose 3. Even so, from the way the question is phrased, I am not absolutely sure.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanksfor asking.

the experience of red requires a mind which defines it as such. #3

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The pathway for light energy is

perceiving colors through our sensory organs, specifically our eyes. When light waves hit an object, certain wavelengths are absorbed and others are reflected. The color that we see is the result of the wavelengths that are reflected back to our eyes.

In the case of a bright red apple, the apple itself possesses physical properties that allow it to absorb most of the visible light spectrum except for the red wavelengths. These red wavelengths are reflected off the apple's surface and enter our eyes, which then transmit the information to our brain.

So, the correct answer would be option 4 - the color is a physical property present in the apple itself. However, it's important to note that our perception of the color is a result of the sensory experience and interpretation that occurs in our brain, which aligns with option 3.

Therefore, both options 3 and 4 can be considered correct, depending on whether you focus on the physical properties of the apple or the psychological experience of perceiving the color.