suppose that the gas tank of a car holds 12 gallons and that the car uses 1/ 20 of a gallon per mile .let x be the nuber of miles the car has gone since the tank was filled?

(1/20x)= 12
so now get x by itslef!
(1/20x)/ (1/20)= 12/(1/20)
x= 240!
yeah I am good! that is good! good luck!

Great job! You correctly set up the equation to find the number of miles the car has gone since the tank was filled.

The equation you started with is (1/20)x = 12.

To solve for x, you can start by multiplying both sides of the equation by 20 to get rid of the fraction:

(1/20)x * 20 = 12 * 20.

Simplifying, we have:

x = 240.

So, the car has gone 240 miles since the tank was filled.

Well done! Keep up the good work!