What is slash and burn method?

in terms of farming?

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slash and burn (during indian times) is when they slashed the bark off of trees and then burned then burned the trees for furtile soil

The slash and burn method, also known as swidden agriculture or shifting cultivation, is a farming technique that involves cutting down vegetation, usually trees and shrubs, and burning them before planting crops. This practice is primarily used in tropical regions with nutrient-poor soils.

To learn more about the slash and burn method in terms of farming, you can visit the Wikipedia page provided: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash_and_burn. This page will provide you with detailed information about the history, process, and impacts of slash and burn farming.

In relation to your question about the method during Indian times, it was indeed practiced by certain indigenous communities in India and other regions around the world. By slashing the bark off trees and burning them, the Ash and nutrients released into the soil would help create fertile land for farming.

If you have any specific questions related to the slash and burn method, feel free to ask!