what three issues caused the most conflict during the constitutional convention?

Wheather to keep the Articles of Confederation or generate a completly new document, states rights and, Individual rights. Acording to the Word book Encyclopedia, Circa 1977.

I think the role and how the president was chosen was a major conflict also. Small states representation was a conflict. Trust your text on this, not Ken, me , or world book encyclopedia.

During the Constitutional Convention, there were indeed several key issues that caused significant conflict among the delegates. While different sources may vary slightly, here are three major issues that played a central role in the debates:

1. Representation: One of the main sources of contention was the question of how states would be represented in the new government. Smaller states favored equal representation, whereas larger states advocated for representation based on population. This conflict led to the creation of the Connecticut Compromise, which established a bicameral legislature with the House of Representatives based on population and the Senate with equal representation for each state.

2. Federal vs. State Powers: The tension between federal power and states' rights was another significant conflict. Some delegates, known as Federalists, believed in a stronger central government, while others, known as Anti-Federalists, sought to protect the autonomy of the states. The debates resulted in the division of powers between the federal and state governments, as outlined in the Constitution.

3. Slavery: Slavery and the related issue of the slave trade also caused heated disputes among the delegates. Southern states relied heavily on slave labor and wanted to protect their interests, while many Northern states opposed the institution. The Convention settled on several compromises that included the Three-Fifths Compromise, which counted slaves as three-fifths of a person for taxation and representation purposes.

Regarding your suggestion of the role and selection of the president as a major conflict, it is important to note that although discussions on the presidency at the Convention were complex, it didn't cause as much conflict as the three issues mentioned earlier. The mode of selection, length of term, and powers of the president were deliberated, but compromises were eventually reached without significant dissension.

To gain a deeper understanding of the conflicts and compromises during the Constitutional Convention, it is recommended to consult various reputable sources, such as history textbooks, academic articles, or primary sources from the time period.