I need help to finish responding this question and also if someone will tell me if i'm going the right way.

the question is:Consider racialimbalances in education,the economy,family life,housing,criminal justice,health care,and politics.Of these societal challenges facing modrn african americans,which do you think are most difficult to overcome,and why?
Suggest some ideas for solutions to such challenges.

My answer:

Overall mostly in all points i believe that african americans have difficulties because of stereotype and because they are viewed as lower class, without education etc. Some ideas that i would say well its really what i believe african americans are trying to do is to show everyone that them also are humans beings and they do have brains for life. Most of all i just believe that america should just realize that africans american are humans too.

You are writing nonsense. Reread the question, and reread your answer. You did not even come close to answering the question. Which are the most difficult to overcome, and why? What is the solution to these challenges?

I would say the housing and the criminal "Justice" system are the hardest to overcome the effects of. Happy writing :D

To properly respond to the given question about racial imbalances and the most difficult challenges to overcome for modern African Americans, it is important to provide a well-thought-out answer that addresses each aspect mentioned in the question: education, the economy, family life, housing, criminal justice, healthcare, and politics.

When considering racial imbalances in education, one might argue that the achievement gap and unequal access to quality education pose significant challenges for African Americans. This could be supported by statistics showing lower graduation rates and limited opportunities in comparison to their counterparts. To answer which challenges are most difficult to overcome, it would be necessary to research and analyze data related to education disparities among different racial and ethnic groups.

In terms of the economy, African Americans often face higher unemployment rates, wage gaps, and limited access to capital and job opportunities. These factors contribute to economic inequality and hinder progress towards full equality. Again, it is crucial to provide supporting evidence and data when explaining the difficulties faced by African Americans in the economy.

Family life can also be impacted by racial imbalances. Issues such as single-parent households, limited access to quality childcare, and challenges in building generational wealth can be significant obstacles for African American families. By examining sociological studies and empirical research, one can shed light on the specific challenges faced by this community in relation to family life.

Housing is another area where racial imbalances persist. Historical redlining practices, discriminatory housing policies, and systemic disparities contribute to unequal access to housing opportunities for African Americans. These obstacles can hinder upward mobility and contribute to concentrated poverty. Researching and discussing specific examples, policies, and studies related to housing inequalities would be essential in providing a comprehensive answer to the question.

The criminal justice system is known to disproportionately affect African Americans, with higher rates of arrests, incarceration, and harsher sentencing. Unconscious bias, racial profiling, and systemic issues within the system contribute to this disparity. Identifying specific cases, examining sentencing data, and understanding the root causes of this unfairness would be crucial in explaining the challenges faced in the criminal justice system.

Regarding healthcare, African Americans often experience disparities in access to quality healthcare, resulting in higher rates of certain diseases and poorer health outcomes. Exploring research on health disparities among racial and ethnic groups would help in identifying the challenges faced by African Americans.

Lastly, in politics, African Americans have historically faced obstacles in voter suppression, underrepresentation, and limited access to political power. Researching voting rights issues, representation in government, and policies that can address these challenges would help in providing solutions.

To summarize, it is important to thoroughly research each area mentioned in the question and provide supporting evidence and data when discussing the challenges faced by African Americans. Addressing the most difficult to overcome will require a comprehensive understanding of the specific obstacles in each aspect and potential solutions.