how do you do this problem?

If ZY=7XY then ZX=8XY

It is a two colun proof

To solve this problem, we need to prove the statement using a two-column proof. A two-column proof consists of two columns: one for statements (where we explain each step of the proof) and one for reasons (where we provide the reasons or justifications for each step). Here's how you can approach this problem:

1. Statement: ZY = 7XY
Reason: Given information

2. Statement: XY + YZ = 7XY
Reason: Definition of segment addition

3. Statement: ZX = XY + YZ
Reason: Given

4. Statement: ZX = 7XY
Reason: Substituting XY + YZ from step 2 into step 3

5. Statement: ZX = 8XY
Reason: Given

By following this two-column proof, we can show that if ZY = 7XY, then ZX = 8XY.