In a survey 200 people were asked what they liked to do the most.Whats percent about?

If 150 people said they liked to swim, then the percent of those who enjoyed swimming would be (150/200*100 = ?? percent. Those who liked to do something other than swimming would be (50/150)*100= ??%

13 years later...

To find the percentage, we can use the formula: (Value/Total) * 100.

1. For those who enjoyed swimming:
The value is 150 (as 150 people said they liked to swim), and the total is 200 (the total number of people surveyed).
So, the percentage of those who enjoyed swimming would be: (150/200) * 100 = 75%.

2. For those who liked to do something other than swimming:
The value is 50 (as 200 - 150 = 50 people liked to do something other than swimming), and the total is 150 (as we are considering only those who did not choose swimming as their preferred activity).
So, the percentage of those who liked to do something other than swimming would be: (50/150) * 100 = 33.33% (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, 75% of the surveyed individuals enjoyed swimming, while 33.33% enjoyed something other than swimming.