How were simple tools helpful to early people?

By reducing the effort and time to gather and prepare food and shelter

Simple tools were helpful to early people in several ways. One of the main benefits was that they reduced the effort and time required to gather and prepare food and shelter. Using simple tools, early humans could easily cut, shape, and manipulate materials such as wood, bone, and stone, allowing them to build structures, create weapons for hunting, and process food.

For example, early humans created stone tools like the Oldowan tools, which consisted of simple flakes and core tools. These tools were used for various tasks such as cutting meat, scraping hides, and chopping wood. By utilizing these tools, early humans could process food more efficiently, making it easier to obtain and consume, which in turn saved time and energy.

Additionally, simple tools also aided in the construction of shelters. With the ability to cut and shape materials, early humans were able to build more robust and secure dwellings. This not only provided protection from natural elements but also served as a safe haven from predators.

In conclusion, simple tools were invaluable to early people as they allowed for the more efficient gathering and preparation of food and the construction of shelters, ultimately reducing the effort and time required for survival.