What happens when a candle is alight is the subject. Explained both changes using the Big Idea of Energy? Can anyone help please or explain?

I don't understand the question. Can you repost and clarify please?

What happens when a candle is alight (on one side we had to show physical change and on other side the chemical change). The question sheet says 'Explained both changes using the Big Idea of Energy.'

Yes i have just received that piece of work to i too am finding it hard but u need to use equations too, symbol and word sums.

the chemical reaction is the wax because it is a new substance being made

I don't understand anything and no was is not a chemical change because a chemical change means you can't reverse it back into a candle but you actually can unless it burns if you see what i mean!

is it the candle wax

what happens when a candle is alight.

the chemical reaction is the wick burning and being used as a fuel to keep the flame alight and the physical reaction is the candle wax melting as it can be reversed and the liquid wax can be cooled into wax again

brap is right

what is the qustion

someone help me i am doing the same work

got to show chemical reactions in diagram as well as words

its so hard

Basicalli yer , what is the word equation?

I have the same homework! Im just writing a load of crap. :)

same here i havent got a clue wat to put!

this is just silly i have no idea but i do know that brap is right!the particle diagram is easy though.

what is the formulae