i need help with a outline about the boook the great gatsby

Here are two of the best sites for analysis of literature.



To create an outline about the book "The Great Gatsby," you can follow these steps:

1. Introduction
- Briefly introduce the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and provide some background information about the book.
- Mention the time period in which the book is set (1920s) and its significance in American history.

2. Summary of the Plot
- Provide a brief overview of the main events in the story, focusing on the key moments and characters.
- Mention the narrator, Nick Carraway, and his role in the narrative.
- Discuss the enigmatic character Jay Gatsby and his obsession with Daisy Buchanan.
- Highlight the theme of the American Dream and its portrayal in the book.

3. Analysis of the Characters
- Delve deeper into the main characters and their motivations.
- Analyze Gatsby's character, his desire for wealth and love, and his complicated past.
- Examine Daisy Buchanan, her role as a symbol of wealth and privilege, and her struggles with identity and societal expectations.
- Discuss Tom Buchanan as a representation of the upper class and his role in the story's conflict.

4. Themes and Symbols
- Explore the various themes presented in the book, such as the corruption of the American Dream, wealth and materialism, social class, and the illusion of love.
- Analyze the symbolism in the book, including the green light, the Valley of Ashes, and the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg.

5. Setting and Atmosphere
- Discuss the significance of the settings portrayed in the book, such as West Egg, East Egg, and New York City.
- Analyze how the settings contribute to the overall atmosphere and themes of the story.

6. Conclusion
- Summarize your main points and provide a concluding statement about the significance of "The Great Gatsby" as a literary work.

Using the two websites provided earlier, bookrags.com and sparknotes.com, you can gather more details and analysis on each section of your outline. These sites offer comprehensive summaries, character analyses, themes, symbols, and other helpful information. Remember to properly cite any information you use from these sources in your outline or final work.