And your question is??
You've received several answers. Now, it's your turn. What parts of speech do you think these words are?

I just need help. Well , do you think you can help me and explain it? I wasn't expecting people to give me the answers. I was double checking my work.

What does Marshall McLuhan interview on Electric Media and Education mean

To fully understand the meaning of the phrase "Marshall McLuhan interview on Electric Media and Education," let's break it down:

1. Marshall McLuhan: Marshall McLuhan is a well-known media theorist and educator who gained prominence in the 1960s. He is famous for his theories on media, communication, and technology.

2. Interview: An interview refers to a conversation or discussion between two or more individuals where questions are asked, and responses are given. In this case, it implies that Marshall McLuhan is the subject of the interview, where he will be sharing his insights and perspectives.

3. Electric Media: Electric media refers to any form of media that requires electricity to transmit or display information. This can include television, radio, internet, and other electronic means of communication. Marshall McLuhan often discussed the impact of electronic media on society and how it influences education.

4. Education: Education refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through various methods such as teaching, training, or research. In the context of the phrase, it suggests that the interview with Marshall McLuhan will focus on discussing the relationship between electric media and education.

Overall, the phrase "Marshall McLuhan interview on Electric Media and Education" implies that there is an interview or discussion with Marshall McLuhan, specifically focusing on the influence of electric media on education.