Is this sentence punctuated correctly?

After he began the meeting, he said,"I
am going home."

There needs to be a space between the comma after "said" and the opening quotation marks. Other than that, the sentence is fine.


To determine if the sentence is punctuated correctly, you should follow the rules for punctuating quotations. Here's how you can check:

1. Look for any errors in the placement of quotation marks. In this sentence, the opening quotation mark before "I am going home" is placed correctly, just after the word "said."

2. Check for any errors in the use of commas or periods with quotation marks. In this case, there is a comma after the word "said." According to punctuation rules, there should be a space between the comma and the opening quotation mark. So, the correct punctuation would be: he said, "I am going home."

Therefore, the original sentence is not punctuated correctly. It should be revised to have a space between the comma and the opening quotation mark, like this:

After he began the meeting, he said, "I am going home."

Now it is punctuated correctly.