I need to find out the cost of the inert gas, Neon and it's Normal Phase to finish off a project. I have searched and searched but can't come up with the info needed.

Neon is a rare gas, obtained by liquifing air. Its cost for very pure form is about thirty dollars per ten liters. THe normal phase, at room temperature and pressure, is a gas.

what is the normal phase of Neon

What are some of the properties of neon when it is in pure form?

the nomal phase of neon is a gas that is odorless and colorless

the nomal phase of neon is a gas that is odorless and colorless

well, i did have something but i got it from another source and you cannot post internet sources on here.
i would answer these questions but i cannot at the time because of the source issue.


never tell her the answer

neon is cool

what would be a good slogan for neon? I need an idea for a project. thx 4 helping.

cost: $33 for 100 grams

normal phase: gas

what is normal phase

i need a slogan for neon *stupid science teacher*

lit signs without neon....

there wouldn't be none.
(the only slogan i can think of for neon)

i duno either wtf

wut family does neon b-long 2?