help! name some black women who have overcome great challenges


rosa parks.

black lady who refused to get out of a seat on a bus

Certainly! Here are some black women who have overcome great challenges:

1. Harriet Tubman: She was born into slavery and later escaped. Tubman then became a prominent abolitionist and conductor of the Underground Railroad, helping many slaves to freedom.

2. Maya Angelou: Overcoming a difficult childhood, Angelou became a renowned poet, author, and civil rights activist. Her most famous work, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," is a testament to her strength.

3. Oprah Winfrey: Growing up in poverty, Winfrey faced many obstacles to achieve her success. Today, she is a media mogul, philanthropist, and one of the most influential women in the world.

4. Shirley Chisholm: Chisholm broke barriers by becoming the first African American woman elected to Congress. She fought for civil rights, women's rights, and education reform throughout her political career.

To find more inspiring black women who have overcome challenges, you can visit the website They have a dedicated section on African American women's history that highlights their accomplishments and struggles.

As for your equation, "w + 4.5 = 8," you can solve it by isolating the variable w. Subtract 4.5 from both sides of the equation:

w + 4.5 - 4.5 = 8 - 4.5

This simplifies to:

w = 3.5

Therefore, the value of w in the equation is 3.5.

Lastly, the black lady who refused to give up her seat on a bus is Rosa Parks. Her act of defying segregation laws and refusing to give up her seat to a white person in 1955 sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott and became a catalyst for the civil rights movement.