a manufacturer's cost is given by C= 300 cube root of n + 1200, where c is the cost and n is the number of parts produced. find the cost when 8 parts are produced. help please!!!!

We have C = 300n1/3 +1200
Substitute 8 for n to get
C = 300*81/3 +1200
You should know that 23=8, so what is 81/3?

To find the value of 8 raised to the power of 1/3, you can think of it as finding the cube root of 8.

The cube root of a number x is a number y such that y³ = x. In this case, we want to find the number y such that y³ = 8.

You can solve this equation by taking the cube root of both sides:

∛(y³) = ∛8
y = 2

So 8 raised to the power of 1/3 is equal to 2.

Therefore, plug in the value of 2 into the equation C = 300*8^(1/3) +1200:

C = 300 * 2 + 1200
C = 600 + 1200
C = 1800

The cost when 8 parts are produced is 1800.