What are my transactions for Paid Freight on April 18 purchase $100?

To find your transactions for Paid Freight on April 18th for $100, you will need to access the records or reports of your transactions. Here's how you can do it:

1. Check your bank statement: Go through your bank statement for the date of April 18th. Look for any transactions related to freight or shipping expenses. If you paid directly from your bank account, you should be able to find the transaction there.

2. Review your credit card statement: If you used a credit card to make the payment, check your credit card statement for transactions around April 18th. Look for any charges related to freight or shipping expenses.

3. Check your accounting software: If you maintain an accounting software or system, access it and look for any recorded transactions related to the payment of freight or shipping on April 18th. You can search by date, vendor, or specific expense category to narrow down the results.

4. Review purchase orders or invoices: If you have the invoice or purchase order related to the payment, check the document for any details of the transaction, including the date, amount, and description of the expense. This will help you track down the transaction in your records or accounting system.

By following these steps and accessing your bank statements, credit card statements, accounting software, or purchase orders/invoices, you should be able to find the transactions for Paid Freight on April 18th amounting to $100.