What is wrong with this sentence?

By Tuesday, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland, Maine has promised to turn over to local prosecutors a file containing all accusations of sexual misconduct involving it's priests.
There are 3 errors, I am unsure of what they are, can you help?

By Tuesday, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon has promised to turn over to local prosecutors a file containing all accusations of unusual misconduct involving its priests.

Maine --> Oregon
it's --> its

There also needs to be a comma after Maine (or Oregon -- whichever you're using).


You are correct! There are three errors in the sentence:

1. The location in the sentence is incorrect. The sentence mentions the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland, but it should specify whether it's referring to Portland, Maine or Portland, Oregon. Therefore, you need to replace "Maine" with "Oregon" to match the correct location.

2. The word "it's" in the sentence is incorrect. "It's" is a contraction of "it is" or "it has," but in this context, the possessive form "its" should be used instead. So, you should replace "it's" with "its" to show ownership or possession.

3. Lastly, there should be a comma after "Oregon" (or "Maine" if you choose that location). This comma is needed because the sentence begins with a prepositional phrase, and it is grammatically correct to separate it from the rest of the sentence with a comma.

After making these corrections, the sentence should read: "By Tuesday, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon has promised to turn over to local prosecutors a file containing all accusations of unusual misconduct involving its priests."