This is a request. I am not sure how to write a formal essay. I have handed one in and I do not think it was write. Could you make up a good introduction for why, "And thus the whirligig of time brings back his revenges," is true. True, meaning that you agree with the meaning of this quote, that people get what they deserve.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. First of all, an essay needs an introduction, a good thesis statement, adequate presentation and a conclusion. From AOL Research & Learn, here is one site about how to write an essay: aol://4344:152.HHF4104.1925007.613932973

As for the quote, haven't you also heard "what goes around, comes around?"

what is the relationship between sebastian and viola?

sebastian and viola are brother and sister.

well that is obvious don't u know anything else about it? did you even study it?

well they are brother and sister! are you studing the play now? it is really good i recomend it!!!

i have but this still doesnt help atall with my essay writing!!!!!!!

I apologize if my previous response was not helpful. I understand that you are looking for more information on the relationship between Sebastian and Viola from the play you are studying. To write a good essay, it's important to have a clear understanding of the topic and to gather information that supports your thesis statement.

In the case of Sebastian and Viola's relationship, their bond as brother and sister is indeed a significant aspect of the play. However, there are other elements that can be explored to enhance your essay. For example, you can analyze their interactions throughout the play, their shared experiences, and how their relationship contributes to the overall themes and plot developments.

To gather more information about their relationship, you can:

1. Read the play carefully: Pay close attention to the scenes where Sebastian and Viola interact. Note their dialogue, actions, and reactions towards each other.

2. Analyze their similarities and differences: Compare and contrast the personalities, motivations, and experiences of Sebastian and Viola. Consider how these similarities and differences impact their relationship.

3. Consider the influence of external factors: Think about how external factors, such as the disguises they adopt or their separation, might affect their relationship and the development of the plot.

4. Consult academic sources: Look for scholarly articles, literary analyses, or critical essays about the play. These sources can provide insights and interpretations of Sebastian and Viola's relationship from experts in the field.

By thoroughly researching and analyzing the relationship between Sebastian and Viola, you will have a stronger foundation for writing your essay. Remember to construct a clear thesis statement that reflects your agreement with the quote and supports it with evidence from the play.