what does the mineral amber look like? in words please



Amber is a type of mineral that is known for its unique appearance and characteristics. It is typically a golden, orange, or brownish color, often described as honey-like or caramel-like. The color can range from pale yellow to deep reddish-brown, depending on the impurities present in the amber.

Amber is usually transparent to translucent, allowing light to pass through, but it also has a characteristic warm glow when held up to the light. It has a smooth and glassy texture, similar to that of plastic or resin. Some pieces of amber may contain inclusions, such as trapped insects, plant fragments, or air bubbles, which can add to its beauty and value.

To see images of amber, you can visit the link provided: http://www.answers.com/amber. This website will give you a visual representation of what amber looks like.