I need to start working on my class final i just started my class at WUO I have to do an autobiographical research paper on race in my community I just don't know where to start or how to start an autobiographical can someone give me ideas or help me with this. I want to do it on latinos or hispanics(mexican americans) any suggestions.

Autobiographical = writing about YOUR OWN experiences.

Are you Latina and plan to write a paper about your experiences in your community?

Are you non-Latina and plan to write a paper about your experiences with Latinos in your community?

Here are some excellent websites that will help guide your researching and writing:

Use Word & Sentence Level for all issues grammatical -- such as run on sentences, punctuation, etc. Use Paragraph Level for clarity issues in your text. Use Essay & Research Paper Level for the large issues, the how-to's.

Many good sections here, including the step-by-step guide for researching, planning, writing, and polishing your paper.

An incredible and GOOD collection of links to help with all facets of researching and writing your paper.

Please clarify your assignment for us, and someone here will be able to help you with the content.


To start an autobiographical research paper on race in your community, whether you are Latina yourself or not, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify your purpose and audience: Determine why you want to write about race in your community and who your intended readers are. This will help shape your focus and approach.

2. Choose a specific topic or angle: Since you are interested in writing about Latinos or Mexican Americans, consider narrowing down your focus to a particular aspect or issue related to their experiences in your community. This could include topics such as education, employment, cultural preservation, immigration, or social integration.

3. Conduct background research: Start by gathering general information about the history and demographics of Latinos or Mexican Americans in your community. Look for reliable sources such as books, articles, websites, and scholarly journals. This will provide you with a broader understanding of the topic and help you find specific areas to explore further.

4. Reflect on your personal experiences: As an autobiographical paper, you will need to include your own experiences and perspectives. Think about how race and the Latino community have influenced your life or any encounters you've had in your community. These personal anecdotes and reflections will bring depth and authenticity to your paper.

5. Identify potential interviewees or sources: To enhance your research, consider reaching out to individuals in your community who have relevant experiences or expertise. This could be someone from the Latino community, a community organizer, a local historian, or a professor specializing in this area. Conducting interviews or gathering firsthand accounts can provide valuable insights and anecdotes for your paper.

6. Create an outline: Organize your research and thoughts into a well-structured outline. This will help ensure that your paper flows logically and covers all the necessary points. Divide your paper into sections such as introduction, background information, personal experiences, interviews or research findings, analysis, and conclusion.

7. Write your paper: Start with a strong introduction that grabs the reader's attention and clearly states your objectives. Use your outline to guide your writing and provide evidence to support your arguments and statements. Be sure to include both your personal experiences and the information you gathered through research and interviews. Stay focused and organized throughout the paper, and use appropriate citations and references in accordance with your professor's guidelines or citation style (e.g., MLA, APA).

8. Revise and edit: Once you have written your initial draft, take some time to review and revise your paper. Check for clarity, coherence, and logical flow of ideas. Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Consider asking a classmate, teacher, or peer to read your paper and offer feedback before submitting the final version.

Remember to always follow your professor's instructions and guidelines for the assignment. Good luck with your research paper!