Where can I find a biography on William Harvey?



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To find a biography on William Harvey, you can try several sources. Here are a few options:

1. Websites: You can visit online resources such as Access Excellence and Wikipedia. The links provided above will take you directly to the respective pages that contain detailed biographical information about William Harvey.

2. Library: You can also visit your local library to find biographical books or publications about William Harvey. Ask a librarian for assistance or search the library catalog for books related to his biography.

3. Online Bookstores: Websites like Amazon or Barnes & Noble offer a wide range of biographies on historical figures. Searching for "William Harvey biography" on these platforms will give you various options to choose from.

4. Academic Journals: If you require more scholarly and in-depth information, you can search academic databases, such as JSTOR, for articles or papers focusing on William Harvey's life and work.

Remember to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and credibility.