Unscramble this message:

worl h wa emer ralp d. " the 'ro und "th son, eard e sh ldo ot h




That doesn't work. I already tried it.

Just guessing ...

worl h wa emer ralp d. " the 'ro und "th son, eard e sh ldo ot h

worl + d = world
h + eard = heard
sh + ot = shot

something about the shot heard 'round the world ... ??

So I went to http://www.quoteland.com/search.asp?query=shot+heard+%27round+the+world


I think the answer is:

Ralph Waldo Emerson "The shot heard 'round the world"

Thanks for all your help!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you solve the puzzle.

To solve the unscrambled message, you can try a few different approaches. One option is to use online tools like an anagram solver or unscramble websites, as you mentioned. These tools usually provide a list of possible words that can be created from the scrambled letters.

However, if those tools didn't work in this case, you can try another approach. Look for recognizable patterns or combinations of letters in the scrambled words. For example, in the given message, you noticed that "worl" can be rearranged to form "world," "h" can be paired with "eard" to form "heard," and "sh" can be combined with "ot" to form "shot." These recognizable patterns can help you unscramble the message.

In this case, you correctly unscrambled the message to read: "Ralph Waldo Emerson 'The shot heard 'round the world'."

If you encounter similar puzzles in the future, I encourage you to try using both online tools and your own intuition and pattern recognition. This combination can increase your chances of success.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!