hey guys thanks for ur help a lot...i have one more conecting to the bus one....how are 2 3/4 hours and the distance traveled in 2 3/4 hours represented in the table? how are they shown on the graph?

I think I answered this down below somewhere.
Put the distance on the vertical or y-axix and the time on the horizontal or x-axis.

At the point where time = 2.75hr put the distance at 60*2.75
Be sure to make a scale so the graph is presentable. You might space the time by 1/2 inch and the distances by 1/2 inch for each 60 miles.

To represent the time of 2 3/4 hours and the distance traveled in a table, you would set up two columns. The first column would represent time and the second column would represent distance. In the time column, you would write the value "2 3/4" or "2.75" to represent the time of 2 3/4 hours. In the distance column, you would calculate the distance traveled in 2 3/4 hours.

To calculate the distance, you need to know the speed at which the bus is traveling. Let's assume the bus is traveling at a speed of 60 miles per hour. To find the distance traveled, you multiply the speed (60 miles per hour) by the time (2 3/4 hours or 2.75 hours).

Distance = Speed x Time
Distance = 60 miles/hour x 2.75 hours
Distance = 165 miles

Therefore, in the table, you would write "165" in the distance column for the time of 2 3/4 hours.

To represent this information on a graph, you would need to plot the points. On the graph, you would have the time on the horizontal or x-axis and the distance on the vertical or y-axis.

In this case, you would plot the point at the time of 2.75 hours and the corresponding distance of 165 miles. Make sure to label the axes properly and use a scale that allows the points to be plotted neatly on the graph.