how are and 3 4th bours and the distance traveled in 2 3 4th hours represented in the table?how are they shown on the graph?

Having read the next four or five posts, I suggest you do two things:
1. Start over and write a complete question for each post. Fragments of questions are just confusing.

2. Start sentences with capital letters to make it easier for us to translate.

3. Thanks for using Jiskha.

uh thanks I think sorry for the confusing writing

No problem! I'm here to help. Let's break down your question and discuss how to represent the data in a table and on a graph.

To represent the time periods and the distance traveled, you can use a table. The first column of the table would represent the different time periods, and the second column would represent the corresponding distance traveled.

Here's an example table:

Time Period | Distance Traveled
2 3/4 hours | [insert value]
3 4/5 hours | [insert value]

You would fill in the values for distance traveled in the table based on the specific problem or situation you are referring to. The time periods can be expressed in fractional hours if necessary, like in this case with 2 3/4 hours and 3 4/5 hours.

To show this data on a graph, you can plot the time periods on the x-axis and the distance traveled on the y-axis. Each point on the graph would represent a specific time period and its corresponding distance traveled.

For example, if the distance traveled in 2 3/4 hours is 10 miles and the distance traveled in 3 4/5 hours is 15 miles, you would plot the points (2 3/4, 10) and (3 4/5, 15) on the graph.

By connecting these plotted points, you can then observe the trend or pattern in the data, such as how the distance traveled increases over time.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.