"before you start pointing fingers.. make sure your hands are clean"

i'm having trouble defining this quote or explaining it. can you help me?. i think it means before you judge someone you should make sure your actions aren't worse then theirs. uh, not sure.

please & thank you

You've got it.


You are right. An easier way to remember this is to realize that, when you are pointing an index finger accusingly at another person, the other three fingers are pointing back at you.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

You're on the right track with your interpretation of the quote. "Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean" is essentially a reminder to refrain from blaming or accusing others without first ensuring that one's own actions or behavior are faultless or without wrongdoing. It emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and personal accountability before passing judgement on others.

To further explain the quote, imagine that pointing fingers represent the act of blaming or accusing someone. When you point a finger at someone, you are essentially assigning blame or fault to that person. However, the quote reminds us to examine our own "hands," which symbolize our actions or behavior, before doing so. By making sure our "hands are clean," we are ensuring that we are not hypocritical or guilty of the same or worse actions as the person we are blaming.

In other words, the quote serves as a cautionary reminder that it is essential to evaluate our own behavior and actions before we criticize others. It urges us to consider our own shortcomings, mistakes, or faults before passing judgement on someone else, fostering a sense of fairness, self-awareness, and humility.

So, in summary, the quote means that before you start accusing or judging others, make sure that your own actions and behavior are without fault or wrongdoing.