what are the three steps in a conclusion in the scientific method?

I'm a 9th grader

I'm not sure what you are asking. Perhaps a review of the experimental method might be helpful.

An independent variable is the potential stimulus or cause, usually directly manipulated by the experimenter, so it could also be called a manipulative variable.

A dependent variable is the response or measure of results.

Extraneous variables — other than the independent variable — potentially can affect the dependent variable, so they must be controlled. If possible, you try to keep them constant between the experimental and control group.

The experimental group receives the independent variable.

The control group is similar to experimental, except it does not receive the independent variable. Extraneous variables are balanced between experimental and control groups.

Types of experiments

1. Single blind gives the control group a placebo — a substance that is inert, it has no physical effect. Subjects don't know if they are in experimental or control group to reduce placebo effect, a change in behavior solely due to believing that you are getting the independent variable.

2. Double blind keeps both subjects and experimenter ignorant of group setup. Distribution of the independent variable and placebo is controlled by third party. This controls for experimenter bias and self-fulfilling prophecy. This means that experimenters with particular expectations are likely to consciously or unconsciously to bias the experiment and influence it to conform to their expectations.

As an example, suppose you want to find out if fluorides reduce dental cavities. You would find two groups, trying to control the extraneous variables. Extraneous variables are found by surveying previous research in the area. In this case, you would match the groups in terms of previous history of cavities, diet and dental hygiene habits including how and how often they brush their teeth.

The experimental group would get toothpaste with the independent variable, the fluoride, while the control group would not have the fluoride in their toothpaste. The toothpaste without the fluoride would be the placebo.

The dependent variable would be the number of cavities after participating in the experiment for a time. The dependent variable indicates the results, but it is not the results. At the end of the experiment, both groups could have no change in cavities or one of the groups could have a greater reduction in cavities. (Of course, if the fluoride increased cavities, you wouldn't want to use it.) All of these varied results would be indicated in terms of the dependent variable.

If only the subjects do not know who is getting the fluoride, it is a single blind experiment. If both the subjects and experimenter do not know, it is a double blind.

In stating conclusions, you should indicate what aspects of your results lead to your conclusions, what the conclusions are and the limitations of these conclusions.

I hope this helps. If not, please reply to this post with more specific indications of what you want. We will do our best to help you. Thanks for asking.

The answer to solving your problem is to study hard but don't think so hard about it.If you let it science can be very fun!


HI what does Switch mean in science terms...

In the scientific method, the conclusion is the final step where you summarize your findings and determine whether your hypothesis was supported or not. Here are the three steps in a conclusion in the scientific method:

1. Interpretation of Results: In this step, you analyze the data you collected during your experiment and interpret what it means. Look for patterns, trends, or relationships in the data. Determine if the data supports your hypothesis or if it contradicts it.

2. Comparison with Hypothesis: In this step, you compare the results of your experiment with your initial hypothesis. If the data aligns with your hypothesis, you can conclude that there is evidence to support your hypothesis. On the other hand, if the data does not support your hypothesis, you can conclude that there is no evidence to support it.

3. Reflection and Discussion: In this step, you reflect on the limitations and sources of error in your experiment. Discuss possible reasons for any unexpected results and suggest improvements for future experiments. This step is important for understanding the reliability and validity of your results and for identifying areas for further research.

Remember, as a 9th grader, it's great that you are learning about the scientific method. Keep practicing, asking questions, and conducting experiments to deepen your understanding of the scientific process.