the sentence is:

Let's meet back here in one hour, okay?

No, I was hoping to explore this area for at least two hours.

add in comma - quotations and end marks.

Is the answer " Let's okay" " No hours"

the sentence is:
Let's meet back here in one hour, okay?

No, I was hoping to explore this area for at least two hours.

add in comma - quotations and end marks.

Is the answer " Let's okay" " No hours"

If you mean for it to read like this, yes:

"Let's meet back here in one hour, okay?"
"No, I was hoping to explore this area for at least two hours."

The closing quotation marks belong after the end punctuation.


hello everyone :). i Am Allen. It is a good category on my topic?

Yes, that is correct! To properly add in the comma, quotations, and end marks, the sentence should read:

"Let's meet back here in one hour, okay?"
"No, I was hoping to explore this area for at least two hours."

In this case, the opening quotation marks are placed before the beginning of each sentence and the closing quotation marks are placed after the end punctuation of each sentence. Additionally, the comma is inserted before the word "okay" in the first sentence.