would the novel "cassandra" be considered an existentialism novel?

To determine whether the novel "Cassandra" can be considered an existentialist novel, you would need to analyze the themes, philosophies, and literary techniques portrayed in the book. Here's how you can approach the question:

1. Understand the concept of existentialism: Existentialism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes individual existence, freedom, choice, and responsibility. It often explores questions about human existence, meaning, and the subjective experience of life.

2. Read the novel: Obtain a copy of "Cassandra" by Christa Wolf and read it. As you read, pay attention to the ideas and concepts the author explores and the existential themes that emerge.

3. Analyze the themes: Consider the themes present in the novel. Look for elements such as the individual's struggle with freedom, the search for personal meaning, the focus on subjective experiences, existential anxiety or dread, and the examination of human choices and responsibilities.

4. Examine the characters: Observe the characters in the novel and analyze their motivations, actions, and attitudes towards existence. Are they portrayed as individuals with free will and personal responsibility? Do they grapple with questions of existence, authenticity, or meaning?

5. Evaluate the literary techniques: Consider the narrative style, symbolism, and language used in "Cassandra." Existentialist literature often employs introspective and reflective narratives, alternative narrative structures, and symbolic representations of existential themes.

6. Compare with existentialist literature: Familiarize yourself with other works of existentialism, such as novels by Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, or Fyodor Dostoevsky. Compare the themes and techniques of "Cassandra" with those of recognized existentialist works.

7. Synthesize your findings: Based on your analysis and comparison, determine if "Cassandra" aligns with the key characteristics of existentialist literature. Consider if the novel reflects the existentialist philosophy's concerns, themes, and stylistic elements.

Remember that literary interpretations may vary, and different readers might perceive existentialist elements differently. It's always valuable to consult literary critics, scholarly analyses, or academic resources to gain additional perspectives on the novel's existentialist qualities.