when expressing domain,

what does the parentheses & brackets mean? for example, [0, infinity)

The bracket, '[' means the left endpoint is included in the interval and the parentheses, ')' means the right enpoint is not part of the interval. The interval here, [0,infinity), is the set of non-negative reals.

To understand the meaning of the parentheses and brackets in expressing the domain of a function or an interval, you need to consider how they define the inclusivity or exclusivity of the endpoints.

In this specific example, [0, infinity), the bracket '[' indicates that the left endpoint of the interval, which is 0, is included. This means that the interval starts at 0 and includes all numbers greater than or equal to 0.

On the other hand, the parentheses ')' after infinity indicates that the right endpoint of the interval is not included. This means that the interval continues indefinitely and does not have a specific upper limit.

So, when it comes to expressing the domain, [0, infinity) indicates that the set of values includes 0 but does not include infinity. It represents all non-negative real numbers.