Gina traveled 450 miles to her grandmother's house in two days. She traveled 50 more miles on Saturday than on Sunday. How many miles did she travel on Saturday? on Sunday?

What does 200 + 250 add to?


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40 nickels and 40 dimes give you 80 + 70 additional nickels give you a grand total of 150 coins.

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total - known nickles (70)

150 - 70 = 80

80 = mixed group

80/2 = 40 nickles and 40 dimes

40 nickles + 70 known = 110 nickles
40 dimes + 0 known = 40

40 dimes + 110 nickles = 150 total

To find the answer to the question, "Gina traveled 450 miles to her grandmother's house in two days. She traveled 50 more miles on Saturday than on Sunday. How many miles did she travel on Saturday? on Sunday?" you can use algebraic thinking.

Let's represent the number of miles Gina traveled on Sunday as "x". Since Gina traveled 50 more miles on Saturday than on Sunday, the number of miles she traveled on Saturday is "x + 50".

Since Gina traveled a total of 450 miles, you can set up the following equation:

x + (x + 50) = 450

By simplifying the equation, you get:

2x + 50 = 450

Subtracting 50 from both sides, you get:

2x = 400

Dividing both sides by 2 gives:

x = 200

So, Gina traveled 200 miles on Sunday. To find the number of miles she traveled on Saturday, you can substitute this value back into the equation:

x + 50 = 200 + 50 = 250

Therefore, Gina traveled 250 miles on Saturday.