Is there a good article on how to draw resonance structures?


These are so hard to do on these boards. In fact, I think it is impossible to draw them on these boards. This site may help some.

Sheryl, I understand that you're looking for a good article on how to draw resonance structures. While it can be difficult to draw these structures on certain digital platforms like this one, I can still provide you with guidance on how to approach drawing resonance structures.

To draw resonance structures, follow these steps:

1. Identify the molecule or ion for which you want to draw resonance structures.

2. Determine the connectivity of the atoms in the molecule or ion. This refers to the order in which the atoms are bonded together.

3. Identify any lone pairs of electrons and pi bonds (double or triple bonds) in the molecule or ion.

4. Start by moving one of the electron pairs from a lone pair or the pi bond to the adjacent atom. The atoms involved in this movement should maintain their connectivity.

5. Continue the process of moving electron pairs, creating new bonds and adjusting existing bonds if necessary, while keeping the connectivity intact.

6. It is important to remember that resonance structures represent different electron distributions or arrangements of the same molecule or ion. Therefore, the overall skeleton or core structure remains the same; only the location of electrons changes.

In terms of resources, I can recommend the website This website provides a tutorial on drawing resonance structures, and it should provide you with a good starting point for understanding the concept.

I hope this helps you in your quest to learn how to draw resonance structures!