What motivated the original settlers of the Massachusetts colony to settle in thie New WOrld? What kind of communities did they establish and how did these communities change over time? What had happened by the 1730's that would cause the members of these communities to be such enthusiastic followers of the Great Awakening?



To answer your questions about the original settlers of the Massachusetts colony, their motivations, the communities they established, and the changes over time, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search on Google using the keywords "massachusetts bay colony". This will provide you with a list of relevant search results.

2. Click on the first link, which is typically from Wikipedia, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

3. Read through the article to understand the motivations of the original settlers. You will likely find that the Puritans settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony to establish a religiously-oriented community where they could practice their faith according to their own beliefs, free from persecution and interference from the Anglican Church.

4. As you continue reading, you will learn more about the communities they established. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was organized around the principles of a theocratic society, where the church played a central role in government and daily life. The settlers aimed to create a tightly knit and self-governing community centered around their shared religious beliefs.

5. As time passed, socioeconomic changes and expansion led to the growth of these communities. They evolved into more diverse and varied societies, with economic activities extending beyond just agriculture and trade.

To answer the question about the Great Awakening:

1. Continue reading the article or conduct a new search specifically on the topic of the Great Awakening in Massachusetts.

2. This religious revival movement, which occurred in the early to mid-1700s, had a significant impact on the settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

3. The Great Awakening emphasized the individual experience of salvation and encouraged a personal, emotional connection with God. As a result, many members of the Massachusetts community became enthusiastic followers and participants in this movement.

4. The Great Awakening caused a shift in religious practices and a democratization of religious authority. It challenged the existing religious hierarchy and fostered an environment of individual religious fervor and emotion.

By following these steps and conducting a thorough search, you will be able to gather a comprehensive understanding of the motivations, communities, and changes experienced by the original settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, as well as the reasons behind their enthusiasm for the Great Awakening in the 1730s.