research Spearman's Model of Intelligence and Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. Based on your findings, compare and contrast the two models. Provide several comparisons and several contrasts. Which of the two models do you feel is more in line with psychology today? Support your answer with appropriate external sources.

Please can someone help me. Thank you!

These sites will give you a start on your research. As you read take notes about each man's philosophy.

Thank you very much. : ) car

To compare and contrast Spearman's Model of Intelligence and Gardner's Multiple Intelligences, you should first research each model's main ideas and principles. Here's how you can get started:

1. Visit the websites provided to gather information about Spearman's Model and Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.
- The first link, from, provides an overview of five key players in the field of personality and intelligence. It includes information on both Spearman and Gardner.
- The second link, from, focuses specifically on Spearman's Model of Intelligence.
- The third link, from, discusses Spearman's general intelligence theory in relation to other theories.
- The fourth link, from, explores Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory.

2. Read and take notes on the main concepts and principles of each model.
- For Spearman's Model, focus on his idea of a single factor, or "g" factor, that underlies intelligence.
- For Gardner's Multiple Intelligences, examine his proposition that intelligence is composed of multiple independent intelligences.

3. Identify several comparisons between the two models:
- Spearman's Model implies that there is one general intelligence factor, whereas Gardner's model suggests multiple intelligences that are independent of each other.
- Spearman's Model focuses on cognitive abilities, while Gardner's model encompasses a broader range of skills and abilities, including emotional and practical intelligences.
- Spearman's Model is based on statistical analysis of individual test scores, while Gardner's model is based on observed behaviors and case studies.
- Spearman's Model emphasizes the importance of mental speed and efficiency, while Gardner's model considers cultural and contextual factors.

4. Identify several contrasts between the two models:
- Spearman's Model suggests that intelligence is unitary and can be measured using traditional IQ tests, whereas Gardner's model proposes that intelligence is diverse and cannot be easily quantified.
- Spearman's Model assumes that intelligence is mostly determined by genetics and is less influenced by environmental factors, while Gardner's model emphasizes the role of experiences and cultural context in the development of different intelligences.
- Spearman's Model does not account for variations in different domains of intelligence, while Gardner's model acknowledges different types of intelligence such as musical, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences.
- Spearman's Model has been criticized for oversimplifying the complex nature of intelligence, while Gardner's model has been criticized for lacking empirical evidence and being difficult to measure.

To determine which model is more in line with psychology today, it is important to consult current research and expert opinions. You can search for academic articles or books that discuss the relevance and applicability of both models in contemporary psychology. This will provide you with evidence-based support for your argument.

Remember to properly cite your sources and refer to scholarly literature to ensure the accuracy and credibility of your conclusions. Good luck with your research!