Mr thiru took 1h to drive frm A to B at an average speed of 60Km/h. after taking a rest, he travelled 60km to reach C. His overall average speed was 36km/h. If he left A at 10.50a.m. at What time did he reach C

From A to B he travelled 60 km. From B to C he also travelled 60 km. I will assume that his "overall average" speed was reduced by the period of rest. The total time for the trip would then be
120 km/(36 km/h) = 3 1/3 hours. For the time of arrival, add 3 h 20 min to 10:50 AM.

To calculate the time of arrival at C, we need to add 3 hours and 20 minutes to the departure time of 10:50 AM.

First, convert the 20 minutes to hours by dividing it by 60:
20 minutes / 60 minutes = 1/3 hours

Now, add the 3 hours and 1/3 hours to the departure time:
10:50 AM + 3 hours + 1/3 hours

To add the hours, convert the departure time to 24-hour format:
10:50 AM = 10:50

Now, add the hours and minutes:
10:50 + 3:00 + 0:20 (1/3 hours as minutes)

First, add the minutes:
50 + 0 + 20 = 70 minutes

Since 70 minutes is greater than 60 minutes, we need to convert it to hours and minutes:
70 minutes = 1 hour and 10 minutes

Now, add the hours and minutes:
10 + 3 + 1 = 14 (hours)
50 + 0 + 10 = 60 (minutes)

Since 60 minutes is equal to 1 hour, subtract 1 hour from the total:
14 - 1 = 13 (hours)
60 - 60 = 0 (minutes)

So, Mr. Thiru reached C at 13:00 (1:00 PM).