list lenses in light path between spcimen viewed with compound light microscope and its image on the retina of the eye
gives the lenses and other parts.

The image formed is a virtual image outside the eye.

Virtual images can be "seen" by the eye because of the human brain: No real image is on the retina, however the brain takes the difuse light coming to the retina to visualize an image somewhere outside the eyes. See the drawings on the last website.

so is it objective and ocular? I missed the first two weeks of class and cannot make up the labs but it would definitely help to have the correct information come test time.


That looks like a reasonable conclusion Paul, but I'm not an expert in this area. Take BobP or DrBob222's or the other science teacher's word here. You might try reposting a new question stating the question and your answer. Sorry I can't be more helpful than this.

Explain the relation between the number on the dial and the amount of light passing through the stage?

In a compound light microscope, the dial typically refers to the diaphragm or the condenser aperture. The condenser aperture is an adjustable opening located beneath the stage. It controls the amount of light that passes through the specimen on the stage.

The relation between the number on the dial and the amount of light passing through the stage is usually inverse. In other words, as you increase the number on the dial, the size of the aperture decreases, allowing less light to pass through. Conversely, as you decrease the number on the dial, the aperture size increases, allowing more light to pass through the stage.

Adjusting the amount of light passing through the stage is crucial in microscopy as it affects the contrast, brightness, and depth of field in the observed image. Different specimens may require different lighting conditions for optimal visualization, so it's important to find the right balance using the diaphragm or condenser aperture dial.