The perimeter of the state of Wyoming is 1280mi. The width is 90mi less than the lenght. Find the width and the length.

I don't know what formula to use or how to write it.

Perimeter = length + length + width + width = 1280 miles
OR P = 2L + 2W = 1280 miles (equation 1)

width + 90 miles = length
OR W + 90 = L (equation 2)

You have two equations and two unknowns. Solve for W and L.

I am trying to work this out and I am not getting

W=595 L=685

he is right

To solve the system of equations, you can use substitution or elimination method. Let's use the substitution method in this case.

From equation 2, we have:
W + 90 = L

Substitute this value of L in equation 1:
2L + 2W = 1280

Replace L with W + 90:
2(W + 90) + 2W = 1280

Simplify the equation:
2W + 180 + 2W = 1280
4W = 1280 - 180
4W = 1100

Divide both sides by 4:
W = 275

Now substitute this value of W back into equation 2 to find L:
275 + 90 = L
L = 365

Therefore, the width is 275 miles and the length is 365 miles.