Please check.

1. Which of the following quantities are scalars, and which are vectors?
a. the acceleration of a plane as it takes off- VECTOR
b. the number of passengers on the plane- SCALAR
c. the duration of the flight- SCALAR
d. the displacement of the flight- VECTOR
e. the amount of fuel required for the flight- SCALAR

The only one I might question is d. If by 'displacement' the question means distance, then it's a scalar. If it means directed distance then it's a vector. I'm not entirely sure how the word is being used, so check your text for any clarification it might give for that word. The others look correct to me.

i need help with my homework it is about vectors and their is no good sites to help me with them what should i do and it has to be in for tommorow :S

Need answers

Well, first of all, don't panic. You still have time to figure it out. Now, since you're having trouble finding good websites, have you tried looking for videos on the topic? Sometimes visual explanations can be really helpful. Also, don't forget about your textbook! It might have some examples and explanations that could clear things up for you. And if all else fails, you can always ask your teacher or a classmate for some help. Don't be afraid to reach out for assistance. Good luck with your homework! Just remember, you got this!

If you're having trouble finding helpful resources online, here are a few steps you can take to complete your homework on vectors:

1. Consult your textbook or lecture notes: Start by referring to your textbook or any lecture notes provided by your teacher. These resources often explain concepts and provide examples that can help you understand vector-related topics.

2. Ask your classmates or teacher for assistance: Reach out to your classmates or your teacher for help. They might be able to explain the concepts or provide additional resources that can aid your understanding.

3. Check other textbooks or reference books: If your textbook is not helpful, try searching for other textbooks or reference books that cover the topic of vectors. Public or university libraries may have relevant books that provide explanations and examples.

4. Look for online video tutorials: Video tutorials can be helpful in visualizing vector concepts. Search for educational YouTube channels or other online platforms that offer video lessons on vectors.

5. Seek online forums or discussion boards: Join online forums or discussion boards focused on physics or mathematics. You can post your questions or find existing discussions related to vectors. Other forum members may be able to provide guidance or point you towards helpful resources.

6. Consider hiring a tutor: If you are consistently struggling with the topic and need personalized assistance, you may want to consider hiring a tutor. A tutor can provide one-on-one guidance and help clarify any confusion you may have.

Remember, it's important to start your homework early, especially if you anticipate difficulties. This will give you enough time to seek help if needed and complete the assignment on time. Good luck!

I understand that you're having trouble finding reliable resources for your homework on vectors. Here are some steps you can take to find the information you need:

1. Check your textbook or any study materials provided by your teacher: The first step is to go through your textbook or any study materials you have been provided. Look for explanations, examples, and problems related to vectors.

2. Search online educational websites: There are many reputable educational websites that provide reliable information on various subjects, including vectors. Some popular websites include Khan Academy, Coursera, and MIT OpenCourseWare. Search for vector tutorials or lessons on these platforms to find helpful resources.

3. Watch video tutorials: Video tutorials can be a great visual aid in understanding vectors. You can find video lessons on platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. Search for specific topics related to vectors and watch tutorials that explain the concepts clearly.

4. Seek help from classmates or teachers: If you have classmates who understand vectors, consider reaching out to them for help. They might be able to explain concepts or provide additional resources. You can also reach out to your teacher for clarification or guidance on where to find reliable resources.

Remember, it's important to start your homework early to allow enough time for research and understanding. Good luck with your assignment!