I need a good site to go to for anchient tools and wepons. I need it by Sep,18,06

Which world region are you researching? We'll be glad to help you find information if you tell us in what part of the world these ancient tools and weapons were used.

To find a good website for ancient tools and weapons, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching the specific region or culture you are interested in. This will help you narrow down your search and find more relevant information.
2. Use search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo to search for keywords related to ancient tools and weapons from that region. For example, if you are interested in ancient Greek tools and weapons, you can search for "ancient Greek weapons" or "ancient Greek tools."
3. Look for reputable websites that specialize in archaeology, history, or museum collections. These sites are more likely to have accurate and reliable information about ancient tools and weapons.
4. Pay attention to the domain of the website. Websites with domains ending in .edu (educational institutions) or .gov (government institutions) are often considered more credible sources.
5. Check the website's references or sources. Reliable websites should cite their sources or provide references to back up the information they present.
6. Take note of the website's publication date. If the information is outdated, it may not be as reliable.
7. Consider visiting online museum collections or databases that feature ancient artifacts. Many museums have digitized their collections and offer detailed information about the tools and weapons they have on display.

It is important to note that the timeframe you provided, September 18, 2006, has already passed. However, using the steps above, you can still find reliable information about ancient tools and weapons from your desired region.