can anyoone help me to find these two poems...

2.Instruction for Joining a New Society

Do you know the authors? I looked on google but found nothing.

If you are looking for specific poems titled "American" and "Instructions for Joining a New Society," it's possible that these poems may be less well-known or unpublished. However, I can still guide you on how to find them.

1. Start by searching for the poems using their titles on popular poetry websites and databases like Poetry Foundation,, or AllPoetry. These platforms often have extensive collections of poems and can be a great resource for finding various works.

2. Expand your search by using different search engines. While Google is the most commonly used search engine, it's worth trying others like Bing or DuckDuckGo. Different search engines may yield different results.

3. Utilize online poetry forums and communities. Joining online platforms dedicated to discussions about poetry, such as forums or poetry groups on social media, can be helpful. Share your inquiry with other members who may be able to provide information or insights.

4. Check with local libraries or university librarians. Librarians are skilled at locating information and resources. They can assist you in your search, even for lesser-known works.

5. Engage with poetry enthusiasts or experts. Connect with people who have knowledge or experience in the field of poetry. Online communities, poetry workshops, or even social media platforms like Twitter can help you find individuals who may be able to assist you.

Remember, it's possible that some poems may not be widely available or easily accessible. However, with a combination of persistent searching and help from others, you may increase your chances of finding these specific poems.