what is this suppose to mean?

“The only difference between one that stands up good and one that blows over is what kind of stick they’re stuck up there on”

Some are well supported from blowing over by sticks, and some are not.

That is all that it means.


The quote means that the only difference between something or someone that is successful or resilient and something or someone that fails or falls apart is the support or foundation they have. In this case, the "stick" symbolizes support or a strong foundation. If something or someone has a strong support system, they are more likely to stand up well and succeed. On the other hand, if they lack support or have a weak foundation, they are more likely to fail or fall apart.

To understand the meaning of this quote, you need to interpret it figuratively. It suggests that success or failure doesn't solely depend on individual abilities or traits but rather on the support system and resources one has. It emphasizes the importance of having a strong support network or foundation to achieve success.

Thank you for asking!