What do you call numbers that cannot be arranged into 2-row arrays?


After some research I finally understand the question.
Those would be the odd numbers or the numbers without a factor of 2 in them.

After much stress and contemplating, I finally figured it out too. I was looking for a more complicated answer and it was right in front of me. LOL

Well, you're not alone. I've seen that question asked a couple times and I thought it was something from high school algebra. It turns out the question is a learning activity for factoring numbers in the primary grades. It took a little bit of googling to find that out -lol!

After much stress and contemplating, I finally figured it out too. I was looking for a more complicated answer and it was right in front of me. LOL

total cost equals number of cans times$70

I'm not sure what you're asking here. You should start a new question too.

for each letter write a word to describe its role: 1.a+b=c

a and b are addends (I think?) and c is the sum.
d and f are factors (sometimes simply terms) and f is the product

a Number is a two digit multiple of 11. the product of the digits is a perfect square and a perfect cube.

If you mean a number like 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99
then you should be able to find the answer with a little trial and error.
If you mean a number n=ab*11 then there are none.

lol my peeps your dorks!

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