convert the following fraction into equal denominator:

5 4
- -
6 5

thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not certain what you posted. Post it like this...

a/z + b/k

To convert fractions with different denominators into fractions with equal denominators, you need to find the least common denominator (LCD). The LCD is the smallest multiple that both denominators have in common.

In this case, the denominators are 6 and 5. To find the LCD, you can list the multiples of each denominator until you find a common multiple.

For the number 6, the multiples are: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, ...

For the number 5, the multiples are: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, ...

The least common multiple (LCM) is 30. Therefore, the LCD of 6 and 5 is 30.

Now, to convert the fractions to have a denominator of 30:

For the fraction 5/6, you multiply both the numerator and denominator by 5 (the difference between the LCD, 30, and the original denominator, 6):

(5/6) * (5/5) = 25/30

For the fraction 4/5, you multiply both the numerator and denominator by 6 (the difference between the LCD, 30, and the original denominator, 5):

(4/5) * (6/6) = 24/30

Therefore, the original fraction 5/6 - 4/5 is equivalent to 25/30 - 24/30.

To subtract fractions with the same denominator, you subtract the numerators and write the result over the common denominator:

25/30 - 24/30 = (25 - 24)/30 = 1/30

So, the converted fraction is 1/30.