How were witches tried in other parts of the country during the Salem witch trials?

I don't know that they were. Google Salem Witch Trials and check the first entry. I think this was an event peculiar to Massachussetts in the early 1690's

Does any one know why the girls were in the woods and why they had an urge to go and \"conjure spirits?\"

Does any one know why the girls were in the woods and why they had an urge to go and \"conjure spirits?\"

To understand why the girls in the Salem witch trials had an urge to go and "conjure spirits," we need to look at the historical context. The Salem witch trials took place in a time when witchcraft was widely feared, and people believed that witches made pacts with the devil in exchange for supernatural powers.

In the case of the girls involved in the trials, several theories have been proposed to explain their behavior. One possibility is that they were genuinely experiencing physical or mental distress, which was attributed to witchcraft at the time. They might have believed that by "conjouring spirits," they could identify the witches responsible for their suffering.

Another theory is that the girls' behavior was influenced by societal and religious factors. Puritan beliefs in Salem were strict and emphasized spiritual purity. The girls may have felt a pressure to conform to these expectations and saw their actions as an attempt to seek divine intervention in their community.

To delve deeper into this topic, I suggest conducting a Google search using phrases such as "reasons for girls' behavior in Salem witch trials" or "motives behind the girl's urge to conjure spirits." This will lead you to reliable historical sources that provide a more detailed explanation of the events. Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find to ensure accuracy and credibility.