Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under many different key words, but I couldn't find any applicable sources.

Sorry that I could not help. Thanks for asking.

In art and design, the meaning of a rectangle with the word "line" inside it can vary depending on the context and intention of the artist. Without more information, it is difficult to provide a specific meaning for this symbol. However, in general, artists often use shapes and words as symbols to convey their ideas and concepts.

If you come across a specific artwork featuring a rectangle with the word "line" inside it, I would recommend exploring the artist's intention, any accompanying descriptions or explanations, or conducting further research on the artist's style, influences, and themes.

To find more information about the specific meaning of this symbol in a particular artwork, you can try the following steps:

1. Research the artist: Look for information about the artist who created the artwork. This can include their background, artistic style, and previous works. This information can help you understand their artistic intentions and themes.

2. Context and analysis: Consider the overall context of the artwork, including its title, composition, colors, and other visual elements. Analyze the surrounding elements and the relationship between the rectangle and the word "line." Are there any other symbols or motifs present?

3. Seek expert opinions: Look for articles, interviews, or critics' reviews that discuss the artwork or the artist's body of work. Sometimes, art critics or experts provide insights and interpretations that can shed light on the meaning behind specific symbols.

4. Visit exhibitions or galleries: If possible, try to visit exhibitions or galleries where the artist's work is displayed. Seeing the artwork in person and reading any provided exhibition labels or artist statements can provide additional context and information.

Remember, the interpretation of art can be subjective, and different viewers may derive different meanings from the same artwork. It is always interesting to explore various perspectives and form your own interpretation.